Sunday, January 30, 2011

Periphyton Part 1 - Biofilm



It is usually green. It is almost always slimy. It is seldom attractive. It is universally cursed and derided by many Pond Keepers. It is, however, the most important grouping of organisms in any aquatic eco-system. It is generally called Periphyton.

Although the dictionary defines Periphyton as “aquatic organisms, such as certain algae, that live attached to rocks or other surfaces.”, there are a bevy of terms that refer to the particulate organic matter (POM) attached to rocks and other submerged surfaces: “aufwuchs”, “biofilm”, “benthic algae”, the epi-s: (epilithon [rock], epipelon [mud], epissamon [sand], epixylon and epidendric [wood],  epiphyton [plants] and epizoic [animals, such as snails and Caddis fly larvae] ) and, of course,  “periphyton”. 

The use of the term Periphyton by the scientific community usually encompasses two communities of microorganisms-
    Biofilm- microbial communities, predominantly bacteria, encased in a layer of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).         
    Aufwuchs (pronounce: OWF-vooks, German, "growth upon")  the fuzzy, sort of furry-looking, slimy green coating that attaches or clings to stems and leaves of rooted plants or other objects projecting above the bottom without penetrating the surface. Unlike Periphyton, it includes not only algae like Chlorophyta, but also diatoms, nematodes, protozoans, bacteria, fungi and myriad other tiny creatures such as Tardigrades.

It is only through the examination of these two (2) groups of organisms both in internal structure and function and the interrelations within and among these two (2) groups can we truly understand the importance of these groups to overall water quality.

Part 1


Biofilm is the foundational structure of these combined communities and may vary in thickness from only a few micrometers to several hundred micrometers, from the thickness of a single cell to multiple layers and community groupings.

Biofilm-  “A complex structure adhering to surfaces that are regularly in contact with water, consisting of colonies of bacteria and usually other microorganisms such as yeasts, fungi, and protozoa that secrete a mucilaginous protective coating in which they are encased. Biofilms can form on solid or liquid surfaces as well as on soft tissue in living organisms, and are typically resistant to conventional methods of disinfection. Dental plaque, the slimy coating that fouls pipes and tanks, and algal mats on bodies of water are examples of biofilms. While biofilms are generally pathogenic in the body, causing such diseases as cystic fibrosis and otitis media, they can be used beneficially in treating sewage, industrial waste, and contaminated soil.”  (The American Heritage® Science Dictionary)

Biofilms are a crucial part of an aquatic eco-system. The microorganisms that make up biofilms form the basis for food webs that nourish larger organisms such as insect larvae, which are consumed by fish. Even plants benefit from naturally occurring biofilms.

The instant that the first water contacts any surface of your pond, whether it be liner, rock, filter media, plants etc., biofilm begins to form. Initially the first surface deposits are TEPs (transparent exopolymer particles) planktonic organic microgels that are ubiquitous in aqueous environments, which neutralize the electrical charge of the surface which would otherwise repel bacteria and other microorganisms. This initial layer of organics also serves as a nutrient source. Bacteria then begin to colonize the surface by secreting strands of sticky polymers (extracellular polymeric substances or EPS) which holds the biofilm together in a structural matrix and secures it to the surface. These polymers also serve to trap nutrients and act as very strong protective barrier against toxins.

As nutrients accumulate, the original bacteria multiply. These offspring bacteria produce their own sticky polymer. Soon a colony of bacteria is established.  

 These “other bacteria and fungi become associated with the surface following colonization by the pioneering species over a matter of days.” Borenstein (1994),

(Whal, 1989) discussed the settling pattern of biofilm in four phases: (i) surface conditioning or adsorption of dissolved organic compounds where macromolecules attach to submerged surfaces following a spontaneous physical-chemical process; (ii) primary colonization or bacterial settling following surface conditioning and after their colonization, bacteria start to produce EPS, (iii) secondary colonization to bacterial layer and EPS pool by eukaryotic unicellular microorganisms, mainly protozoan, microalgae and cyanobacteria and (iv) settling of eukaryotic multicellular organisms as a function of nutrient sharing, grazing and predation. According to (Wetzel, 1983), associated organization from secondary colonization onwards can be designated as “periphyton‟. In that way, it could be defined as an advanced successional stage of biofilm. However, there could be a fifth (v) phase; the tertiary colonization where bacterioplankton colonized on the surfaces of unicellular and filamentous secondary colonizers (e.g. diatom, Oedogonium etc.).

Once a certain bacterial population level is reached, a process called ‘quorum sensing’ occurs. Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication through the use of chemical autoinducers that allows populations of bacteria to simultaneously regulate gene expression in response to changes in cell density.

Biofilm is made up of microorganisms and a polymeric web. Interestingly, in a well established biofilm, most of the volume is the sticky polymer matrix (75%-95%). This matrix holds quite a bit of water and makes the biofilm covered surface slippery. This is why, especially in bare liner ponds, it is difficult to maintain traction while you are wading in your pond.

A fully developed biofilm is a complex mutually beneficial community of various microorganisms living in a customized microniche.

 “Different species live cheek-by-jowl in slime cities, helping each other
to exploit food supplies and to resist antibiotics through neighborly
interactions. Toxic waste produced by one species might be hungrily
devoured by its neighbor. And by pooling their biochemical resources
to build a communal slime city, several species of bacteria, each
armed with different enzymes, can break down food supplies that no
single species could digest alone. The biofilms are permeated at all
levels by a network of channels through which water, bacterial
garbage, nutrients, enzymes, metabolites and oxygen travel to and fro.
Gradients of chemicals and ions between microzones provide the
  power to shunt the substances around the biofilm.” Slime City (Coghlan 1996)

A mature biofilm may take several hours to several weeks to develop. A fully developed biofilm is able to move water through the entire matrix, supplying nutrients and transporting wastes. Biofilms may be very thin to several inches thick. The biofilms that are usually encountered in an aquatic eco-system are measured in microinches. A microinch is equal to one-millionth of an inch. The congregation of multiple species into biofilm microcosms increases the range of organic and inorganic substances that can be biodegraded

In aquatic systems the biofilm bacterial count per square centimeter of surface has been estimated to be approx 1000-fold higher than the corresponding planktonic count per cubic centimeter

Biofilm covers every submerged and constantly wet surface associated with a pond. It is on the rock, liner, plants, skimmer, biofilter and media, even inside of the pump and related piping. The biofilm in one location will be different in make up than that in another location. Factors such as light, water movement, temperature and availability of nutrients will determine the member microorganisms of each community. The very same parameters that we test for to ensure healthy fish also influence the membership of the biofilm community.

It is within this biofilm that nitrification and denitrification take place along with other chemical and organic conversion processes.  

Biofilm is the primary source of production in an aquatic system. It is what sustains all higher levels of aquatic life.

Updated- Feb. 23, 2014

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are Koi Wusses? Part IX - Denitrification

Denitrification is the bacterial process where Nitrate is reduced to gaseous Nitrogen. This is accomplished in a series or steps: Nitrate to Nitrite, Nitric oxide, Nitrous oxide and finally Nitrogen gas.

Denitrification is accomplished by primarily Heterotrophic and Autotrophic bacteria, with Heterotrophic bacteria playing the larger role. Autotrophic bacteria utilize sunlight and inorganic chemicals as an energy source, whereas Heterotrophic bacteria rely mainly on organic carbon as an energy source.

Denitrification takes place under special conditions in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It occurs where Oxygen is depleted, and bacteria utilize nitrate in the respiration process. Due to the high concentration of oxygen in our atmosphere, denitrification only takes place in environments where oxygen consumption exceeds the rate of oxygen supply, such as in some soils and groundwater, wetlands and the substrates in the bottom of a pond.

In a properly constructed eco-system pond, denitrification is a normally occurring process. A classic Koi pond, however, because of its method of construction (no rock or gravel; bare liner), does not have any areas of low or depleted Oxygen to promote the growth of these denitrifying bacteria. External methods must be used for denitrification such as trickle towers, fluidized beds and rotating biological contactors. Additionally, attention should also be given to ORP (oxidation reduction potential) levels.

In the previous post, the toxic level of Nitrate was shown to be arbitrary at best. This was focused on high end Nitrate levels. The complete absence of Nitrate (in an eco-system pond), however, is definitely cause for concern. In the absence of Nitrate, the denitrifying bacteria will utilize Sulfur as a replacement, producing Hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg gas) which is highly poisonous. It should be pointed out that, for this scenario to occur, the pond would have to be completely neglected……a total lack of maintenance or ownership responsibility or concern.

This, then, is where the Nitrogen cycle comes full circle. With very few exceptions, all living organisms rely on this continuous process for their existence.

The subject may be debated for years to come, but it has been shown that Carp (Koi) are some of the most durable and adaptable fish in existence. I think that the Australians have summed up the hardiness in Carp (Koi) by referring to them (not very affectionately) as “River Rabbits”.

We can now begin venturing into the world of aquatic life; exploring the succeeding higher levels of the Food Web and how they interact.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Are Koi Wusses? Part VIII - Nitrate

Nitrate is the product of  the oxidation of Nitrite by, primarily, the bacteria genus Nitrobacter, and, to a lesser extent, the genus Nitrospira.

It is generally believed that Nitrate is toxic to Carp (Koi) only at very high levels. There is much disagreement as to at what level does Nitrate begin to have toxic effects. This is primarily due to the lack of research done on this subject as relates to Carp (Koi). Some believe that most fish easily tolerate levels below 100 mg/L; others claim that levels above 120 mg/L are toxic; still others state that fish can tolerate levels up to 500 mg/L.

The important aspect of Nitrate toxicity to remember is that it is species specific. Scientific research has shown that Nitrate levels of 10 mg/L, which is the maximum safe level for drinking water, IS toxic, at least in the long term, to certain sensitive freshwater invertebrates, fish and amphibians.

The toxicity level in an eco-system pond is, for all practical purposes, a non-issue.
Aquatic plants utilize Nitrate as a food source. If excessive Nitrate occurs, Nature has a built in balancer…ALGAE. We know that an abundance of algae (Pea Soup) is symptomatic of more basic problems such as overfeeding, overcrowding and accumulation of organic debris, among other things and corrective steps should be taken. On the flip side of the coin, some level of Nitrate SHOULD be detectable. A complete absence of Nitrate indicates water quality issues and could be more problematic than an excessive amount.

 (NOTE: Algaecides are not recommended as their use will very likely result in reduced Oxygen levels while doing nothing to reduce the nutrient level in the water. In fact, as the algae die and decompose, nutrients are released back into the water bringing the process full circle.)

I find it hard to imagine that Carp (Koi), given their native habitat, their preference for muddy, nutrient rich water and their adaptability, would ever have a problem with Nitrate toxicity…. at least in a Garden Pond (eco-system) setting as long as Nitrate levels increased over time and the increase was not large and abrupt.

The true Koi Pond, because of its lack of plants, does present problems with Nitrate levels. Not because it is a health problem (albeit remote) for the fish, but because of the potential need for algae control. A true Koi Pond is constructed specifically for the viewing of its occupants, so water clarity is of prime concern. Excessive Nitrate levels in Koi Ponds are usually controlled by water changes and by the process of Denitrifcation.

This will be the subject of our next post.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Are Koi Wusses? Part VII - Nitrite

 We know that the product of Ammonia oxidation is Nitrite. This is also toxic to Carp (Koi) at very low levels. Any reading greater than 0.06 mg/L is considered lethal. This level is roughly equivalent to one drop in a pint of water.

Like Ammonia, Nitrite toxicity is influenced by both pH and temperature .In one study, two (2) different groups of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) were subjected to nitrite levels of 0.0667 for 48 hours at temperatures of 14C/57F and 20C/68F. The mortality rate for each group was 30% and 51% respectively.
In addition toxic effects of nitrate are more likely at low dissolved Oxygen levels.

Nitrite toxicity occurs as Nitrite enters the fish by way of the gills and passes into the circulatory system (Perrone, 1977). Toxic effects of nitrite include oxidation of hemoglobin to methemoglobin, a form incapable of binding molecular oxygen (Brown and McLey, 1975).

Fish with methemoglobin can be detected by the colour of the blood and also by brown colour of the gills (Brown Blood Disease). As nitrite rises, the fraction of methemoglobin in the blood reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (Cameron, 1971). Fish with elevated levels of methemoglobin may suffer from anoxia (Tomasso, 1981). . Since methemoglobin does not transport oxygen, asphyxiation is the principal reason fish die from nitrite poisoning

Nitrite is less toxic than Ammonia, but the toxic effects of Nitrite occur much more rapidly than those of  Ammonia.

Chloride is used to “treat’ Nitrite toxicity. This may be Sodium Chloride (Pond Salt) or Calcium Chloride, which is more expensive. The chloride portion of salt competes with nitrite for absorption through the gills .If problems with Nitrite levels exist, maintaining at least a 10 to 1 ratio of chloride to nitrite in a pond effectively prevents nitrite from entering Koi.  As a general rule, 50 to 100 ppm chloride in pond waters will guard against high spikes of nitrite concentration. 1,000 ppm of salt is equal to a 0.1% level. (Note: This should be done only if a Nitrite problem is detected. Maintaining salt levels will over time result in parasites and other pathogenic organisms adapting to these salinity levels making them harder to control through the normal “Salt Treatments” .Use Salt only as a temporary fix. Adequate bio-filtration (bioconversion) will maintain safe nitrite levels.)

It should be noted that Carp(Koi) can survive ‘Brown Blood Disease’ if treated in time, but with a resulting lowered immune system making them more susceptible to other infections that can occur for up to 3 weeks after the “Brown Blood Disease’ is cured.

Carp(Koi), though highly adaptable are as susceptible to Nitrite poisoning and it’s effects as any other fish
Nitrite level is probably the most important water quality parameter because it’s effects occur rapidly and should be tested for frequently along with Ammonia.

Next Post:  Nitrates

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Are Koi Wusses? Part VI - Ammonia

Ammonia is one of several different forms of Nitrogen. The transition from one form of Nitrogen to another is commonly referred to as the Nitrogen Cycle.
Nitrogen is a requirement for life in all organisms because it is an essential part of RNA, DNA, and protein.
Nitrogen comprises over 75% of the atmosphere, but this huge reservoir is not usable by most organisms. It must be converted by lightning and nitrogen fixing bacteria.
This is the first of the five processes in the Nitrogen cycle--- fixation, uptake, mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification – and are all driven by microorganisms. For the purposes of this discussion, only the last two processes are of interest.

Nitrification is defined as- “The process by which bacteria in soil and water oxidize ammonia and ammonium ions and form nitrites and nitrates”.(The American Heritage® Science Dictionary).

The oxidation of ammonia into nitrites is accomplished by two genuses of bacteria, Nitrosomonas, primarily, and Nitrosococcus, to a lesser extent. Generally, their optimum temperature for growth is 30C/86F and the optimum pH is  7.5 – 8.0.

They have a relatively slow reproductive rate. Nitrifying bacteria reproduce by binary division. Under optimal conditions, Nitrosomonas may double every 7 hours. In the time that it takes a single Nitrosomonas cell to double in population, a single E. Coli bacterium would have produced a population exceeding 35 trillion cells.
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are also known to be unusually resistant to starvation conditions. Nitrosomonas europaea can immediately respond to the addition of ammonia after nearly one year of starvation.

It is commonly known that ammonia is toxic to, not only fish, but also other aquatic organisms. In water, ammonia exists in two forms – ionized (ammonium) and un-ionized (free ammonia). Ionized ammonia is, for the most part, harmless. It is the un-ionized form that is toxic and this toxicity is directly influenced by both pH and temperature with pH effecting the greater change. As pH (and temperature) rises, the toxicity of un-ionized ammonia rapidly increases.

Although 0.00 test results for total ammonia are possible and usually desired in a true Koi pond, it is both unrealistic and unnatural to strive for a complete absence of ammonia in an eco-system pond, but levels should never be allowed to reach toxicity. The following shows how Carp (Koi) may react to different levels of un-ionized ammonia (in mg/L).

             0.00 is ideal. Values up up 0.019 might be tolerated for extended periods.                         

            0.020 - 0.049 may be tolerated, but will cause long term harm

           0.050 - .0.199 may be tolerated for a few days, harmful

            0.200 - 0.499 May be tolerated for a day or two, very harmful

            >0.500 Extremely Toxic, Fish should be moved to alternate location
                                                     (Koi and Water Garden Society of Central New York)

Next:  Nitrites